Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thanks so much for such a wonderful experience! I was inspired and impressed by everyone in this class. Just to hear you all talk about each persons art was such an education. I now look at art, especially transformative art, with a new appreciation and a new language. Art that used to confuse me or pass me by now holds a place of intrigue and respect in my life. I loved that all our installations were so unique and held such a wonderful array of experiences within them. Thank you all for your honest and very caring comments and encouragements during this class. I really enjoyed spending this time before my final project in your department. I hope to see you all again, whether through your art or another creative realm!

Cheers and Appreciations!

- Colleen


  1. hey colleen...........

    congrats to you my friend!!

    you really pulled it off and it looked great! and you were such a trooper with the oakiness....

    come to my grad exhibition if you can....

    april 11th 7-9 at school........


  2. Well said Colleen. It was an amazing and transformative night! And it was a pleasure to share the experience with you!

    Hope to see you soon!!!


  3. so nicely put! thanks for posting this. and i agree. hear hear!

    your piece was beautiful, those twig spheres were a great choice. i guess the forest felt you needed to shed some skin, eh? seemed appropriate for the themes of your piece! (hope the rash is gone now though!)

  4. Hi Colleen...
    I loved your piece so much. I've done a lot of work with plaster gauze and it can be tricky, but you pulled off beautifully. The projection really brought the piece alive and the twig pieces were cool.... Great job!!

  5. Colleen,
    it was so great to have you in the class...i was blown away by your work and have said before, i wish we could have stolen you over here in A&C a bit more before you finished your program. i hope you will continue to work and've got a real knack for this, and you took to the each project with a real zeal...i think they call that moxie! thanks for persevering, even with the major set back. i like ck's comment/metaphor of shedding here. be well, and stay in touch with us.
